Starting Out Part 2

S/V Marissa Update From Mom

Hello all. Guess I will piggyback onto Bob’s email and am adding our cousin Marni. Shannon called me this morning at about 8:00 San Diego time. She sounded upbeat and happy. They had an uneventful voyage through the night and expect to arrive in Ensenada sometime this afternoon. When I asked if she was exhausted she told me she had been very tired but managed a good nap earlier prior to calling me.

She called on a satellite phone they have with them. The international combination of numbers for that phone is lengthy and at the time she got the phone we experimented unsuccessfully with me trying to call her back from my land line. Her calls to me come through fine but I am unable to return the call so more work is needed on that. The current plan is for them to get a Mexican sim card for her cell phone, hopefully while in Ensenada. But regardless, when they are out to sea far from cell towers will only be able to call using the satellite phone. I requested a call, and hopefully she will, after they arrive and are checked in and settled in Ensenada.

Hope you all are keeping safe and avoiding Covid-19.

Have a good day, Sally
